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A wedding is one of the most critical moments of your life, and it’s also the moment where everything in your life changes forever. You must celebrate this essential change in the right way without compromising what you want to do and how you want to do it. Imagine yourself in your wedding dress, standing beside the man of your dreams and saying the words ‘I DO’. The picture our mind makes is something we always want to achieve. Usually, all the brides concentrate on the bigger things in a wedding and forget to prioritize the little things that can make a difference. So here are six small wedding details that you should never compromise on if you want them to be auspicious.

Weather Contingency Plan

If you want to have a destination wedding, you must have a contingency plan in case there is bad weather. Usually, destination weddings are outdoorsy. We can never predict the weather and the weather reports are not always right. Therefore, if it starts to rain, you should have a backup plan. Face it; you cannot cancel the wedding with climate as the only basis.


Your wedding is a memory that you will forever cherish, and photography is the best way to capture that moment at the right time. Therefore hire a professional photographer. You don’t want to look back one day and regret not taking good pictures (or, in these days, Instagram-worthy pictures). It may be a bit costly, but it’s always worth the investment. If possible, have a pre and post-wedding photoshoot that will be memorable.


Usually, after the wedding, the bride and the groom take off for their honeymoon. Flights are pre-booked, so make sure you get there on time. If you don’t have suitable transportation, that can put a stop to all your subsequent plans. Therefore, you must have the proper transportation facility pre-planned, and you need to make sure that you have a backup in case the driver cannot make it.

Event Lighting

Event lighting is the main criterion when you are looking at wedding hall decorations. In the morning, as there is natural sunlight, you don’t need too many decorations, but having the proper lighting can brighten up the entire place in the evening. Not just that but even in the reception lighting is very important. You don’t want to overdo it or even underdo it. Having great lighting also assists you in photography.

Extra Seats

A wedding is a get-together or families from two sides (both you and your fiances), and therefore you will have many guests attending it. So, make sure that you have extra seats so that none of your guests are tired and can stay till the end.


Having a website for your wedding gives a whole new outlook to the entire ceremony. You don’t have to have an advanced site, but a basic one with the venue map and other details will help your guests.

Therefore, if you are a soon-to-be bride or groom, then make sure to focus on the above six small but crucial aspects that can take your wedding to a whole new level.